Jurnee is committed to helping users understand the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to comply with its requirements. Jurnee has worked to enhance its products, processes, and procedures to meet its obligations as a data processor and will continue monitoring best practices around GDPR compliance and update our commitments if they change.
As further provided in our Data Processing Agreement, as a Processor, Jurnee can assist customers in fulfilling their obligations as data controllers by:
Jurnee leverages a number of third party applications and services in support of the delivery of our products to our customers. The Jurnee Team recognizes that the company’s information assets and vendor dependencies are critical to our continuing operations and delivery of services. As such, Jurnee has established a vendor management program that sets forth the requirements to be established and agreed upon when Jurnee engages with third parties or external vendors. These engagements are designed to assess the technical, physical, and administrative controls in place and to ensure they are commensurate with the expectations of Jurnee and its customers. For a complete list of Jurnee’s subprocessors, please visit our Subprocessors list.
Jurnee has a procedure to intake, review, and manage customer requests arising from Data Subject Access Requests. Such requests will be handled by Jurnee on a case-by-case basis. For any requests or inquiries related to Data Subject Access Requests, please contact [email protected].
The legal terms and conditions that apply to Jurnee’s corporate website and services are available at https://www.jurnee.io/assets/documents/terms_and_conditions.pdf
An overview of Jurnee’s security & privacy practices are available in the Jurnee Security Policy and Privacy Policy.